Stormwater Public Information Web Page

The Stormwater Public Information Web Page will be updated annually and as necessary to ensure that current information is available. Our Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) consists of the co-permitted entities of Delaware County, Muncie Sanitary District/City of Muncie, Yorktown and Ivy Tech- Muncie. If you are looking for a specific document that is not listed here, please fill out a request for information form. If you have any further questions, please refer to the pages on this website or contact the relevant staff member below.

Stormwater Staff:

Laura Bowley, MS4 Coordinator

Email:        Phone: 765-747-4896

Courtney Pruitt, Stormwater Compliance Inspector (Construction)              Phone: 765-747-4896

Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4)

On December 18, 2021, IDEM issued a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer General Permit (MS4GP).  The MS4GP replaces 327 IAC 15-13 (Rule 13) which had previously been the Administrative Code that established the permitting requirements for all designated MS4s in Indiana. stormwater

MS4s are defined as a conveyance or system of conveyances owned by a state, city, town, or other public entity that owns or operates a system for collecting and conveying stormwater, and discharges to waters of the United States. Regulated conveyance systems include roads with drains, municipal streets, catch basins, curbs, gutters, storm drains, piping, channels, ditches, tunnels, and conduits. Combined sewer overflows and publicly owned treatment works are not included.

More information about the MS4 General Permit can be found on the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) Website.


Stormwater Quality Management Plan (SWQMP)

Water Quality Characterization Report (WQCR)

2023 Annual Stormwater Report

MS4 Partnership Stormwater Regulatory Mechanisms

regulatory mechanisms

Delaware County Stormwater Ordinance

Ivy Tech signatures to follow Delaware County Stormwater Ordinance

Muncie Resolution to follow Delaware County Stormwater Ordinance

Yorktown Stormwater Ordinance

Technical Standards

City of Muncie/MSD Design Manual

Stormwater Service Fees and Rates

Every person and organization in our MS4 (Muncie Sanitary District/City of Muncie, Delaware County, Town of Yorktown and Ivy Tech- Muncie) contributes to stormwater runoff, which is why funding must be mandated to complete Stormwater Management assessments, improvements, etc. to meet Federal and State mandates. This funding ensures mandatory MS4 compliance that is necessary to reduce pollution from entering our waterways, which results in improved water quality for the public, as well as the aquatic organisms that live in our waterways. For this reason, no one is exempt from paying stormwater fees, including churches, nonprofits, schools, and government buildings.

Citizen Reporting/Report a Polluter

Report a Polluter (illicit discharge)

Be on the lookout for signs of an illicit discharge. An illicit discharge is anything going into an MS4 conveyance (storm sewer, river, stream, ditch, swale) that is not composed ENTIRELY of storm water (see exceptions below).

What to look for (and report):

  • Dumping of anything into a storm drain or waterway (or on a paved surface that can wash into a storm drain or waterway during rain events).
    • Violations include: grass clippings, yard waste, pet waste, detergents, dirt/concrete wash water, paint, oil and other hazardous materials, trash.
  • Anything unusual and unnatural in the waterways (e.g. smells, colors, “chalkiness”, oil sheen).

If you see any of these signs, please call our Report A Polluter Hotline: (765) 747-4896 or fill out our Report a Polluter Form. If possible, please take pictures and/or video, record the address and leave your name and phone number (not necessary, but helpful if there are questions).

reporting of other violations

Please select the appropriate form below and enter your message. Be sure to include a valid email address to which a reply may be sent. Also, be sure to include relevant information about your account.

Information and Resources for the Public

Fact Sheets and Information Links

Education and Outreach Videos

Life in the White River Lessons

Educational Presentations