Important MS4/Stormwater Information for Employees

Good Housekeeping and Pollution Prevention Training (GH & PP)

The Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) require MS4’s (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System) to provide pollution prevention and municipal good housekeeping training to municipal employees. This training is for the co-permitted municipal employees at the City of Muncie, the Muncie Sanitary District, Delaware County, the Town of Yorktown, and Ivy Tech Community College of Muncie. We offer in-person training annually over a few sessions/days. If you missed this training or are a new employee, you must complete it virtually (see below).

***Training Timetable (new with the permit cycle started in 2022)***:

  • Current employees must complete training annually.
  • New full and part-time employees must complete this training within 60 days of being hired.
  • Seasonal employees must complete the training within 30 days of being hired.

Facility Good Housekeeping and Pollution Prevention

Quarterly inspections are required at each facility. Three inspections must be completed by the departments; one will be completed during an inspection with the Construction Compliance Inspector. During this inspection, the facility’s required documents will be reviewed and updated, including the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s), Operation and Maintenance Manual, (O&M), Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan ( SWPPP), and if necessary, Spill, Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) documents.  These documents have all necessary information for preventing pollution, spill response, and proper disposal of cleanup materials. Employees are required to be familiar with these documents and know where to find them. Employees should also be familiar with the location and contents of all spill kits. Kits should be fully stocked and contents replaced after use.

We rely on your cooperation to ensure compliance with all permit requirements.  Spill prevention and good housekeeping protect our waterways and water quality. Thank you for your participation and assistance! If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to anyone from the Stormwater Management Department (see below).

Stormwater (GH & PP) Training for Municipal Employees:

Click “play” on the video below. Once you have watched the video completely, follow this link or the QR code below to complete your information and the required quiz, then click “submit”.  Contact Laura Bowley with any technical issues or questions (

Thank you for working hard to ensure the health of our local waterways!

QR code for quiz:


Stormwater Contacts:

Laura Bowley, Stormwater Coordinator

Phone: 765-747-4896, Email:

Courtney Pruitt, Stormwater Compliance Inspector

Phone: 765-747-4896 ext. 298, Email: