- Illicit Discharge Elimination and Detection Fact Sheet
- Leaves and Yard Waste Fact Sheet
- Pet Waste and Water Quality Fact Sheet
- Surface Cleaning and Pressure Washing Fact Sheet
- Chemical Spill (Inside) Fact Sheet
- Fuel Island (Outside) Fact Sheet
- MS4 Fact Sheet
- MS4 Fact Sheet for MCM 6- Inspection Areas- Outside and Inside
- MS4 Fact Sheet for MCM 6- Measures Towards Compliance
- Street Highway Mobile Operations- Truck Beds Fact Sheet
- EPA Concrete Washout Fact Sheet
- Stream Fish of the West Fork of the White River, Delaware County Indiana
- Aquatic Macroinvertebrates of the West Fork of the White River, Delaware County Indiana
- Mussels of the West Fork of the White River, Delaware County Indiana
Helpful Links:
- Clear Choices Clean Water
- Sustain Indy
- What do do with Unwanted Medicine
- Stormwater Manager’s Resource Center
- IDEM’s MS4 Rule 13 Permit
- Green Values Stormwater Toolbox
- White River Watershed Project
- INDOT Stormwater Field Guide 2015 (PDF)
Compliance Guidance:
- NPDES Guidance for MS4’s: Creating a Program Plan for Municipal Operations Pollution Prevention & Good Housekeeping
- INAFSM: Indiana Association for Floodplain and Stormwater Management
- Raingarden Size Calculator
- Raingarden Animation
- Raingarden Design Guide
- Burnsville Raingarden Study
- Raingarden Resources through Resource Media
- Rusty Schmidt (Author of Blue Thumb Guide) Raingarden Presentation
Rain Barrels:
Green Infrastructure and Best Management Practices (BMP’s):
Education Resources:
Native Plants and Landscaping:
- Natural (Chemical Free) Yard Care
- Indiana Native Plants and Wildflower Society
- EPA Green Acres Green Landscaping Site
- Spence Restoration Nursery