Plaza Green Infrastructure Factsheet
Bioretention basin/rain garden
- Bioretention basins/rain gardens retain, filter and treat stormwater runoff using a shallow depression of an engineered soil mixture topped with a layer of mulch and native plants tolerant of short-term flooding and periods of drought. Such best management practices will trap and remove suspended solids and filter pollutants through absorption from plants.
Live Wall
- Living walls create biodiversity conservation opportunities, and absorb and filter storm water, which reduces local water body pollution and helps prevent the overwhelming of municipal storm water infrastructure. Living walls also filter air particulates, improving air quality and help to reduce the urban heat island effect (UHI).
Curb swale infiltration strip
- Infiltration strips serve as first flush pollutant filters along the gutter of the streets to catch excess stormwater run-off leaving the drive or flowing through the street gutter. It is important to catch as much as the first flush of stormwater run-off as possible due to a higher concentration of pollutant material being on impervious or hard surfaces.
Stormwater catchment basins
- Catchment basins are designed to catch sediment and other debris before allowing it to make it to the stormwater infrastructure, drains and bioretention basins.