Sewer Backup Problems
Call the sewer maintenance department at 747-4852. Normal hours are 7 am to 3 pm. Calls after hours will be answered by our answering service and forwarded to the Sewer Maintenance crew. A crew person will notify you that the problem has been fixed (opening the main line) or that you should consult a plumber.
Is your basement drain backing up?
The best action to take would be to install a sewage injection pump. This will bring sewage to a higher level than your basement. (Please see illustrations below.)
The next best response is to install a back water valve. This should be installed outside of the basement into the lateral going to the main sewer. An operating valve should keep a main sewer from backing up into your house, but it is important to remember that you can’t use your water system while the backwater valve is in use. This pressure will prevent your water from going to the main sewer. The end result will be a back up into your basement. (Please see illustrations below.)
The last recommended response is an expansion plug. This is the least effective way to prevent sewer back up in your home. This option is strictly for floor drains that will not work for any facility in your basement such as a shower or toilet drain. (Please see illustrations below.)
Complete construction details are available. Call the Muncie Sanitary Maintenance Department at (765) 747-4852.
Locate Sewer Pipes
Citizens wishing to locate service piping may contact the Muncie Sanitary District Engineering office at 747-4879, Monday through Friday, 7 am – 3 pm.
Sewer Permits
Sewer construction permits and sewer tap permits are issued by the Building Commisioner. The office is located on the third floorof City Hall; hours are 8 am – 4 pm, Monday thru Friday. The telephone number is (765) 747-4878. Contact Engineering for permit fee and schedule.