Post Construction

If your site required a Construction General Permit, you will be responsible for operating and maintaining any post-construction best management practices (BMPs) that were included in the site plans. Examples of post-construction BMPs may include:

  • Wet detention ponds
  • Dry retention ponds
  • Bio-swales
  • Bio-retention (rain gardens)
  • Constructed wetlands
  • Infiltration trenches
  • Infiltration basins
  • Sand filters
  • Vegetated filter strips
  • Subsurface detention
  • Green roofs
  • Conservation easements
  • Riparian buffer zones
  • Pervious concrete
  • Porous pavement
  • Porous pavers

The Stormwater Management Department conducts post-construction inspections of these practices, to verify that they are being maintained properly. Post-Construction BMPs and their maintenance are required by local, state, and federal law as part of the Clean Water Act. Examples of maintenance issues may include:

  • Inlet or outfall blockage
  • Trash/debris removal
  • Erosion
  • Sediment build-up
  • Invasive plant species removal
  • Missing or dying vegetation
  • Tree/shrub replacement

This 8-minute video describes the steps required to maintain a residential stormwater management pond. The primary target audience is home or property owners’ associations, but residents living in a community with a stormwater pond can also benefit from this information. Topics covered include an explanation of what a stormwater pond is, why it is necessary, why some ponds fail, what to look for when inspecting the pond, expert tips on maintaining the pond, and how this on-going, needed maintenance is typically paid for.

For more information about post-construction maintenance, email