
Spring Neighborhood Cleanups Applications Now Open

Spring neighborhood cleanup applications are now available. If you would like an application or further information on participating in a neighborhood cleanup, please contact the MSD Sanitation Office at 765-747-4865 or email with questions. Neighborhood Cleanup Application for Spring 2022 (Due March 31st, 2022) Volunteer Liability Form Cleanup Dates The following dates have been approved…

Construction Update for the Week of 09/02/19: Petty Road Sewer Repair btwn Mockingbird & Robinwood, High St & Wheeling Lane Restrictions

Project traffic updates for next week: Burlington Residential Sewer – No work expected next week. S. Hoyt Residential Sewer – Restoration activities throughout the project area with limited impacts.  Lane restrictions on Old SR 67/Fuson Road between S. Hoyt Avenue and Delaware Drive for force main testing. CSO 028 Monroe St. Lift Station – Monroe…

For Immediate Release: Muncie Sanitary District Announces Two Relocation Projects

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact Bill Smith President, Board of Sanitary Commissioners (765) 213–6468 Muncie Sanitary District announces two relocation projects MUNCIE, INDIANA — Muncie Sanitary District recently announced two new relocation projects for some of its offices and departments. These projects are expected to improve operational efficiencies and save on energy and transportation costs. The…

Construction Update for the Week of 8/12/19: Monroe Street closed from Wysor Street to Gilbert Street

Project traffic updates for next week: Burlington Residential Sewer – No work expected next week. Elgin & McGalliard Storm Sewer – Flagging operations and lane restrictions will continue on Elgin Street next week for open ditch clearing/grading and restoration. S. Hoyt Residential Sewer – Restoration activities throughout the project area with limited impacts.  Lane restrictions…

Construction Update for the Week of 7/1/19: Monroe St Closed from Wysor St to Gilbert St, Temp Lane Restrictions on Elgin St

Project traffic updates for next week: Burlington Residential Sewer– Minor and temporary lane restrictions throughout the project for restoration activities. Elgin & McGalliard Storm Sewer – Right eastbound lane/shoulder closure on McGalliard Road for storm sewer construction.  Temporary flagging and lane restrictions on Elgin Street for storm sewer construction and utility relocations. S. Hoyt Residential…

Construction Update for the Week of 6/24/19: Monroe St Closed from Wysor to Gilbert, Temporary Lane Restrictions on Elgin St

Project traffic updates for next week: Burlington Residential Sewer – Minor and temporary lane restrictions throughout the project for restoration activities. Elgin & McGalliard Storm Sewer– Right eastbound lane/shoulder closure on McGalliard Road for storm sewer construction.  Temporary flagging and lane restrictions on Elgin Street for storm sewer construction and utility relocations. S. Hoyt Residential…

Construction Update for the Week of 06/17/19: As early as June 19th, Elgin St will be fully closed just south of the intersection of Elgin St & McGalliard Rd

Project traffic updates for the Week of June 17th, 2019: Burlington Residential Sewer – Minor and temporary lane restrictions throughout the project for restoration activities. Elgin & McGalliard Storm Sewer – Right eastbound lane/shoulder closure on McGalliard Road for storm sewer construction.  Temporary flagging and lane restrictions on Elgin Street for storm sewer construction and…

Construction Update for the Week of 06/10/19: Monroe St Closed from Wysor to Gilbert St for Construction & Temporary Lane Restrictions in Burlington Area

Project traffic updates for next week: Burlington Residential Sewer – Minor and temporary lane restrictions throughout the project for restoration activities. Elgin & McGalliard Storm Sewer – Right eastbound lane/shoulder closure on McGalliard Road for storm sewer construction.  Temporary flagging and lane restrictions on Elgin Street for storm sewer construction and utility relocations. S. Hoyt…