Project traffic updates for the Week of June 17th, 2019:
- Burlington Residential Sewer – Minor and temporary lane restrictions throughout the project for restoration activities.
- Elgin & McGalliard Storm Sewer – Right eastbound lane/shoulder closure on McGalliard Road for storm sewer construction. Temporary flagging and lane restrictions on Elgin Street for storm sewer construction and utility relocations. As early as June 19th, Elgin Street will be fully closed just south of the intersection of Elgin Street & MCGalliard Road for storm sewer construction. A signed traffic detour will be in place and access to apartments will be maintained at all times.
- S. Hoyt Residential Sewer – Restoration activities throughout the project area with limited impacts.
- CSO 028 Monroe St. Lift Station– Monroe Street closed from Wysor Street to Gilbert Street for lift station construction.