Trash Pickup Guidelines

Customers of the Muncie Sanitary District must use Toters provided by the MSD for disposing of household trash. Most customers utilize 96-gallon Toters.  All of your trash must be bagged, securely fastened, and placed inside your Toter with the lid closed.

Toters are to be placed at the curb by 7 am on your trash day and returned to your property by 7 pm the same day.

Toters must be 2 feet clear of any obstruction (telephone poles, mailboxes, cars, fencing, etc.) If multiple Toters are used, please allow 2 feet in between Toters with the arrows on the lids facing the street.

All bulk items (furniture, tree limbs, appliances) must also be placed at the curb. Please separate tree limbs, brush, and leaves (during leaf season) from other large items placed on the curb. A separate truck picks up such organic matter so it can be composted, mulched, and kept from going to the landfill. Please be sure these items are unobstructed from mailboxes, telephone poles, fences, and overhead power lines. Bulk items are collected by a secondary truck on your regular trash day. Sections of trees, not exceeding 8 feet in length and 6 inches in diameter, stacked neatly at the curb will be collected by MSD on the customer’s regular trash day. Any tree that is topped, pruned, or felled by a contractor or sub-contractor will not be the responsibility of MSD. The customer shall be solely responsible for the removal of any and all such sections of trees.

We do not pick up bags or boxes on the ground. All items must be placed in a toter to be picked up. Broken-down cardboard boxes can be dropped off directly at East Central Recycling’s roll-off recycling dumpster during regular business hours. Every resident is allowed to dump 2000 pounds of household trash at East Central Recycling every year at no extra charge.

If your Toter or bulk item was not accessible you will be notified via a green missed trash sticker on the item indicating why the item was not collected. If an item is tagged please address the issue promptly to ensure the item is collected the next week.

Toters are the property of the Muncie Sanitary District. Customers are responsible for their Toter. If a Toter is damaged by no fault of the resident it will be repaired or replaced at no charge. If you need to request a new toter, replacement toter or need a new lid please call our Sanitation Department at 765-747-4865.

>> Download RESOLUTION NO. 2024-20

Toter Do’s & Don’t’s

Items to place in your Toter

  • Bagged household waste
  • Small quantities of bagged yard waste. The MSD encourages the use of mulching mowers.
  • Broken-down cardboard boxes (preferably in a blue recycling toter)

Items not to place in your Toter

  • Hazardous Household Waste and materials banned from a landfill (motor oil, paint, etc)
  • Needles
  • Construction Material
  • Large quantities of animal waste
  • Human Waste
  • Dead Animals