
2024 Resolutions

Resolution 2024-01 Interlocal Agreement with City of Muncie

Resolution 2024-02 Honoring John C Barlow Retirement

Resolution 2024-03 Amendment to Salary Resolution for 2024

Resolution 2024-04 Transfer of Funds within the Muncie Sanitary District

Resolution 2024-05 Interlocal Agreement with City of Muncie for City Engineer Services

Resolution 2024-06 Amendment to 2024 Salary Resolution

Resolution 2024-07 Adopting Revised Personnel Policies Handbook

Resolution 2024-08 Indiana Finance Authority Grant Application

Resolution 2024-09 Amendment to 2024 Salary Resolution

Resolution 2024-10 Increasing Fees for Certain Sewer Line Inspections

Resolution 2024-11 Amendment to Personnel Policies Handbook

Resolution 2024-12 Transfer of Funds within the Muncie Sanitary District

Resolution 2024-13 Amendment to Salary Resolution

Resolution 2024-14 Amending and Fixing the Schedule of Sewer Rates and Charges

Resolution 2024-15 Establishing Procedures for Certain Ordinance Violations

Resolution 2024-16 Amendment to Personnel Policies Handbook

2023 Resolutions

Resolution 2023-01 Amendment to Salary Resolution for 2023

Resolution 2023-02 Amendment to Salary Resolution for 2023

Resolution 2023-03 Transfer of Funds within the Muncie Sanitary District

Resolution 2023-04 Gift of RE to Habitat for Humanity

Resolution 2023-05 – MSD Transfer of Properties to MRC

Resolution 2023-06 Amendment to Personnel Policies Handbook

Resolution 2023-07 Establishment of Fee for Certain Sewer Line Inspections

Resolution 2023-08 Amending Personnel Policies Handbook Regarding Criteria for Internal Hires

Resolution 2023-09 2024 Salary Resolution

Resolution 2023-10 Transfer of Property to the City of Muncie, Department of Redevelopment

2022 Resolutions

Resolution 2022-01

Resolution 2022-02- Interlocal Agreement with City of Muncie for the Maintenance and Repair of Vehicles

Resolution 2022-3 Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2022-4 Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2022-5 – Release of Retainage to Bowen Engineering

Resolution 2022-6 Salary Resolution for 2023

Resolution 2022-7 One-Time Bonus for All MSD Employees for 2022

Resolution 2022-8 Transfer of Funds within the Muncie Sanitary District

2021 Resolutions

Memorandum of Understanding Between MSD and City of Muncie – Solar Energy Projects

Resolution 2021-01 – Amendment to 2021 Salary

Resolution 2021-02 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2021-03 – Declaratory Resolution for Bond 2021

Resolution 2021-04 – Bond Resolution for Bond 2021

Resolution 2021-05 – Confirmatory Resolution for Bond 2021

Resolution 2021-06 – Award Build-Operate-Transfer Transaction Authorizing Document Execution and Taking Certain Other Related Actions

Resolution 2021-07 – Notice for Publication of Sale of Real Estate

Resolution 2021-08, BOT Lease Payments for Solar Power Projects

Resolution 2021-09, Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2021-10, Amending Resolution 2015-11 Improvement Reserve FundĀ 

Declaratory Resolution 2021-11, Regarding BOT Lease Agreement for Solar 2021 LLC

Resolution 2021-12, Amendment to the Rainy Day Fund 275

Memorandum of Understanding with City of Muncie Regarding Engineering Services

Amended Memorandum of Understanding with City of Muncie Regarding Riverside-Jackson Trail

Resolution 2021-13, a Transfer of Funds to Rainy Day Fund

Resolution 2021-14, Confirmatory Resolution regarding Solar Energy Projects

Resolution 2021-15, a Resolution Amending Resolution 2021-08 for BOT Lease Payments

Resolution 2021-16 Amendment to Salary Resolution for 2021

Resolution 2021-17

Resolution 2021-18, Amendment to Resolution 2021-17

Resolution 2021-19, 2022 Salary Resolution

Resolution 2021-20, Amendment to Salary Resolution

2020 Resolutions

Resolution 2020-01 – Amendment to 2019 Holidays

Resolution 2020-02 – Amendment to 2020 Holidays, Election Day

Resolution 2020-03 – Amendment to Personnel Handbook Regarding Vacation Leave

Resolution 2020-04 – Transfer of Real Estate to DAC

Resolution 2020-05 – Amendment to Personnel Handbook Regarding Vacation Days

Resolution 2020-06 – Additional Compensation for COVID Hazardous Pay

Resolution 2020-07 – Memorandum of Agreement Regarding Dumpsters

Resolution 2020-08 – Amendment to 2020 Salary Resolution

Resolution 2020-09 – Amendment to Procedure for Public Meeting COVID19

Resolution 2020-10 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2020-11 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2020-12 – Adopting Materiality Threshold as Required by State Examiner Directive

Resolution 2020-13 – Adotoping Non-Retaliation Policy on Reporting Possible Misappropriation of Funds

Resolution 2020-14 – Pre-Approval and Payment of Claims

Resolution 2020-15 – Establish and Designate MSD Greenline CNG Fuel Station Account

Resolution 2020-16 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2020-17 – Salary Resolution for 2021

Resolution 2020-18 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

2019 Resolutions

Resolution 2019-01 – Designating the Investment Manager and the Finance Manager for MSD

Resolution 2019-02 – Amendment to the Personnel Handbook Regarding Wellness Program

Resolution 2019-03 – Regarding Rules, Regulations, and Fees for Storage, Collection and Removal of Solid Waste

Resolution 2019-04 – Amendment to the Personnel Handbook Regarding Employment Policies

Resolution 2019-05 – Amendment to the 2019 Holiday Schedule

Resolution 2019-06 – Transfer of Funds Within MSD

Resolution 2019-07 – Amendment to the Personnel Handbook Regarding Probationary Period

Resolution 2019-08 – Transfer of Funds Within MSD

Resolution 2019-09 – Declaratory Resolution Regarding Revenue Bond

Resolution 2019-10 – Bond Resolution Regarding Revenue Bond

Resolution 2019-11 – Confirmatory Resolution Regarding Revenue Bond

Resolution 2019-12 – Amendment to 2019 Salary Resolution

Resolution 2019-13 – Amendment to 2019 Salary Resolution

Resolution 2019-14 – Amendment to Personnel Handbook Regarding District Credit Cards

Resolution 2019-15 – Amendment to Personnel Handbook Regarding Use of Cellular Phones

Resolution 2019-17 – Amendment to 2019 Salary Resolution

Resolution 2019-18 – Salary Resolution for 2020

Resolution 2019-19 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2019-20 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2019-21 – Amendment to 2020 Salary Resolution

Resolution 2019-22 – Transfer of Real Estate to Delaware Advancement Corporation

2018 Resolutions

Resolution 2018-01 – Mutual Aid Agreement with Muncie BOW Regarding Milton Storm Sewer

Resolution 2018-02 – Amendment to the Personnel Handbook Regarding Sick Leave and Drug-Free Workplace Regulations

Resolution 2018-03 – Amendment to Sprinkler Policy for Sewage Billing

Resolution 2018-04 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2018-05 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2018-06 – Amendment to 2018 Salary Resolution

Resolution 2018-07 – Amending the Personnel Handbook Regarding Sick Leave Bank

Resolution 2018-08 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2018-09 – Transfer of Property from MSD to City of Muncie

Resolution 2018-10 – Amendment to the Personnel Handbook Regarding Use of Cellular Phones

Resolution 2018-11 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2018-12 – Amendment to the Personnel Handbook Regarding Use of Cellular Phones

Resolution 2018-13 – Amendment to 2018 Salary Resolution

Resolution 2018-14 – 2019 Salary Resolution Including the Amendments of 2018-16

Resolution 2018-14 – 2019 Salary Resolution

Resolution 2018-15 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2018-16 – Amendment to the 2019 Salary Resolution

Resolution 2018-17 – Amendment for the 2018 Salary Resolution

2017 Resolutions

Resolution 2017-01 – Amendment to Resolution 2016-10 Regarding Sewage Rates for Regional Waste District

Resolution 2017-02 – Amendment to Resolution 2013-28, Policy on Payment Assessments

Resolution 2017-03 – Land Donation from Delaware County Commissioners

Resolution 2017-04 – Interlocal Agreement between MSD and MPD for CNG Conversions

Resolution 2017-05 – Amendment to Personnel Handbook Regarding Drug-Free Workplace

Resolution 2017-06 – Amendment to Personnel Handbook Regarding Workers Compensation

Resolution 2017-07 – Amendment to Personnel Handbook Regarding Employee Termination

Resolution 2017-08 – Amendment to Personnel Handbook Regarding Business Travel Expenses

Resolution 2017-09 – Amendment to Personnel Handbook Regarding Sick Leave Bank

Resolution 2017-10 – Amendment to the 2017 Holidays

Resolution 2017-11 – Bond Resolution

Resolution 2017-12 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2017-13 – Land Donation from Delaware County Commissioners

Resolution 2017-14 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2017-15 – Amending the Personnel Handbook Regarding Timeclock Rounding

Resolution 2017-16 – Amendment to Resolution 2011-10 and 2013-13, Water Leak Credits

Resolution 2017-17 – Acquiring Real Estate Outside of MSD Boundary

Resolution 2017-18 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2017-19 – Authorizing Intervention Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission

Resolution 2017-20 – Amendment to 2017 Holiday Schedule

Resolution 2017-21 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2017-22 – 2018 Salary Resolution

Resolution 2017-23 – Burlington Drive Property – Real Estate Outside of MSD Boundary

Resolution 2017-24 – Declaratory Resolution for Revenue

Resolution 2017-25 – Bond Resolution

Resolution 2017-26 – Confirmatory Resolution

Resolution 2017-27 – Amendment to Personnel Handbook Regarding Various Sections

Resolution 2017-28 – Land Donation from Delaware County Commissioners

Resolution 2017-29 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

2016 Resolutions

Resolution 2016-01 – Amendment to 2016 Salary Resolution

Resolution 2016-02 – Amendment to Personnel Handbook Regarding Attendance

Resolution 2016-03 – Approval of the Conveyance of Property at 811 E Centennial and 5150 W Kilgore

Resolution 2016-04 – Amendment to 2016 Salary

Resolution 2016-05 – Real Estate Acquisition

Resolution 2016-06 – Amendment to Personnel Handbook Regarding Sick Leave Bank

Resolution 2016-07 – Land Donation from Delaware County Commissioners

Resolution 2016-08 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2016-09 – Amendment to 2015 Salary

Resolution 2016-10 – Amending Schedule of Sewer Rates

Resolution 2016-11 – Amendment to Resolution 2012-02 to Establish New Sewer Rates

Resolution 2016-12 – Amendment to 2016 Salary Resolution

Resolution 2016-13 – Amendment to Personnel Handbook Regarding Retiree Insurance

Resolution 2016-14 – Authorizing the Investment of Public Funds to IC 5-13-9-5.7

Resolution 2016-15 – Authorizing the Investment of Public Funds to IC 5-13-9-5

Resolution 2016-16 -INDOT Bridge Improvements

Resolution 2016-17 – Salary Resolution for 2017

Resolution 2016-18 – Amendment to Personnel Handbook Regarding Business Travel

Resolution 2016-19 – Land Donation from Delaware County Commissioners

Resolution 2016-20 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

2015 Resolutions

Resolution 2015-01 – Amendment of 2015 Salary Resolution

Resolution 2015-02 – Amendment to 2015 Salary Resolution

Resolution 2015-03 – Amendment to Personnel Handbook Regarding Worker’s Compensation

Resolution 2015-04 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2015-05 – Acquiring Real and Personal Property

Resolution 2015-06 – Land Donation from Delaware County Commissioners

Resolution 2015-07 – Amendment to 2015 Salary Resolution

Resolution 2015-08 – Land Acquisition

Resolution 2015-09 – Declaratory Resolution

Resolution 2015-10 – Bond Resolution

Resolution 2015-11 – Improvement Reserve Fund

Resolution 2015-12 – Amendment to 2015 Salary Resolution

Resolution 2015-13 – Confirmatory Resolution

Resolution 2015-14 – Transfer of Funds with MSD

Resolution 2015-15 – Amendments to Personnel Handbook Regarding Outside Employment

Resolution 2015-16 – Acquisition of Property

Resolution 2015-17 – Expanding MSD Sewer Utility Territory

Resolution 2015-18 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2015-19 -Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2015-20 – Amendment to the Personnel Handbook Regarding Sick Leave Bank

Resolution 2015-21 – Amendment to Resolution 2009-05 Regarding the Number of Toters Provided to Residents

Resolution 2015-22 – Lease Purchase

Resolution 2015-23 – Repayment of Advanced Health Savings Account Funds for Terminated or Resigning Employees

Resolution 2015-24 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2015-25 – Lease Purchase

Resolution 2015-26 – Real Estate Purchase

Resolution 2015-27 – Reinstate Resolution 2012-02 Establishing New Rates for Stormwater System

Resolution 2015-29 – Real Estate Purchases

Resolution 2015-30 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2015-31 – 2016 Salary Resolution

Resolution 2015-32 – Real Estate Purchases

Resolution 2015-33 – Real Estate Purchases

2014 Resolutions

Resolution 2014-01 – Declaratory Resolution

Resolution 2014-02 – Confirmatory Resolution

Resolution 2014-03 – Bond Resolution

Resolution 2014-04 -Amendment to 2014 Resolution

Resolution 2014-05 – Lease Purchase

Resolution 2014-06 – Lease Purchase

Resolution 2014-07 – Amended and Restated Bond Resolution

Resolution 2014-08 – Additional Appropriation of the Bond

Resolution 2014-09 – Amendment to 2014 Salary

Resolution 2014-10 – Lease Purchase

Resolution 2014-11 – Property Acquisition from Delaware County Commissioners

Resolution 2014-12 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2014-13- (Tabled and never passed)

Resolution 2014-14 – Amendment to Personnel Handbook Regarding Prohibited Conduct

Resolution 2014-15 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2014-16 -Tax Sale Acquisition from Delaware County Commissioners

Resolution 2014-17 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2014-18 – Amendment to 2014 Holiday Schedule

Resolution 2014-19 – 2015 Salary Resolution

Resolution 2014-20 – Lease Purchase

Resolution 2014-21 – Establishing a Rate Increase for Septic Vendors and Hauling

Resolution 2014-22 – Amendment to 2014 Holiday Schedule

2013 Resolutions

Resolution 2013-01 – Combining Departments within the MSD

Resolution 2013-02 – Combining Department within the MSD

Resolution 2013-03 – Amendment to the 2013 Salary

Resolution 2013-04 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2013-05 – Purchasing a Gift for Retiring Employees

Resolution 2013-06 – Granting District Administrator Authority to Grant Raises

Resolution 2013-07 – Amendment to the 2013 Salary

Resolution 2013-08 – Establishing a Stormwater Credit to Lower Residential Rates

Resolution 2013-09 – Amendment to 2013 Salary

Resolution 2013-10 – Amendment to the Personnel Handbook Regarding Vacation and Sick Bank

Resolution 2013-11 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2013-12 – Collecting Delinquent Sanitary Bills

Resolution 2013-13 – Credit on Sewage Fees in Regards to Water Leaks

Resolution 2013-15 – Amendment to the Personnel Handbook Regarding Employee Benefits and Retiree Insurance

Resolution 2013-16 – Amended and Restated Bond Resolution

Resolution 2013-17 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2013-18 – Declaratory Resolution

Resolution 2013-19 – Amendment to Bond Resolution 2013-16

Resolution 2013-20 – Confirmatory Resolution (2)

Resolution 2013-21 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2013-22 – Amendment to 2013 Salary

Resolution 2013-23 – Establishing a Stormwater Rate Reduction for Non-Residential Rates

Resolution 2013-24 – Establishing a Stormwater Rate Reduction for Residential Rates

Resolution 2013-25 – Amendment to 2013 Salary

Resolution 2013-26 – Financial Institution

Resolution 2013-27 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2013-28 – Policy on Payment of Assessments

Resolution 2013-29 – Amendment to 2013 Salary

Resolution 2013-30 – Declaratory Resolution

Resolution 2013-31 – Bond Resolution

Resolution 2013-32 – Confirmatory Resolution

Resolution 2013-33 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2013-34 – Ratifying Election Day Closing

Resolution 2013-35 – Salary Resolution 2014

Resolution 2013-36 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2013-37 – Amendment to 2014 Salary

2012 Resolutions

Resolution 2012-01 – Authorizing MSD to Obtain Credit Cards for MSD Employees

Resolution 2012-02 – Amendment Resolution 2006-10 Establishing New Rates and Charges

Resolution 2012-03 – Amending and Fixing Schedule of Sewer Rates

Resolution 2012-04 – Approve Expenses Inadvertently paid by Controller

Resolution 2012-05 – Amendment to Resolution 2012-03, Sewer Rates

Resolution 2012-06 – Interlocal Agreement between MSD and City Concerning Levee System

Resolution 2012-07 -Amendments to Personnel Handbook Regarding Employee Health Insurance and Jury Duty

Resolution 2012-08 – Interlocal Government Agreement between MSD and City

Resolution 2012-09 and Exhibits – Physical Fitness Program Policy and Clothing Allowance Policy

Resolution 2012-10 – Amendment to 2012 Salary Resolution

Resolution 2012-11 – Declaratory Resolution

Resolution 2012-12 – Confirmatory Resolution

Resolution 2012-13- Bond Resolution (Large File available upon request)

Resolution 2012-14 – Approving and Adopting the Preliminary Engineering Report for CSO Separation

Resolution 2012-15 – Designating the Finance Manager as Signatory on behalf of MSD

Resolution 2012-16 – Acceptance of Water Quality Management Planning Responsibilities

Resolution 2012-17 – Amendment to 2012 Salary Resolution

Resolution 2012-18 – Amendments to Personnel Handbook Regarding Nepotism

Resolution 2012-19 – Household User Fees

Resolution 2012-20 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2012-21 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2012-22 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2012-23 – Establishing a Revenue Funded Recycling Fund

Resolution 2012-24 – Amendments to the Personnel Handbook regarding Federal Motor Carrier Regulations, etc.

Resolution 2012-25 – Amendment to 2012

Resolution 2012-26 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2012-27 – Credits for the Rates and Charges of MSD’s Stormwater System

Resolution 2012-28 – Commercial, Institutional, and Industrial User Fees for Swimming Pools or Sprinkling

Resolution 2012-29 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2012-30 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2012-31 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2012-32 – Transfer of Funds with MSD Salary

Resolution 2012-33 – 2013 Salary Resolution

Resolution 2012-34 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

2011 Resolutions

Resolution 2011-01 – Increasing Monthly Contribution to Medicare Supplemental Insurance for Retirees

Resolution 2011-02 – Approving and Adopting the Preliminary Engineering Report BAN

Resolution 2011-03 – Signatory Authorization

Resolution 2011-04 – Indicating Willingness to Accept Water Quality Management Planning Responsibilities

Resolution 2011-05 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2011-06 – Amendment to 2011 Salary Resolution

Resolution 2011-07 – Re-establishing the Cumulative Building Fund Rate to Indiana Code 36-9-26

Resolution 2011-08 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2011-09 – Agreement with MITS for Exchange of Property

Resolution 2011-10 – Household User Fees within MSD on Septic Systems

Resolution 2011-11 – Maintenance and Repair of Sanitary and Storm Sewers within MSD

Resolution 2011-12 – Maintenance and Repair of Sanitary and Storm Sewer within MSD

Resolutions 2011-13 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2011-14 – Household User Fees for Houses with Swimming Pools

Resolution 2011-15 – 2012 Salary Resolution

Resolution 2011-16 – Lease Purchase Agreement with TCF Equipment Finance

2010 Resolutions

Resolution 2010-01 – Adopting New Personnel Handbook

Resolution 2010-02 – Adopting LTCP

Resolution 2010-03 – Amendments to Personnel Handbook Regarding Job Posting

Resolution 2010-04 – Establishing Account 606 New Equipment

Resolution 2010-05 – Authorizing Board President to Approve BAN and Stormwater Claims

Resolution 2010-06 – Mutual Aid Agreement with City of Columbus, Indiana

Resolution 2010-07 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2010-08 – Designating the Finance Officer and Investment Manager

Resolution 2010-09 – Signatory Authorization Resolution SRF Loans

Resolution 2010-10 – Adding Granville Avenue Sanitary Sewer for SRF Loan

Resolution 2010-11 – Amendments to Personnel Handbook Regarding Firearms in Locked Vehicles

Resolution 2010-12 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2010-13 – 2011 Salary Resolution

Resolution 2010-14 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2010-15 – Adopting Preliminary Engineering Report for SRF Loan

Resolution 2010-16 – Transfer of Funds within MSD

Resolution 2010-17 – Interlocal Government Agreement Between MSD and City of Muncie

Resolution 2010-18 – Transfer of Funds within MSD