For Immediate Release on 1/29/19 at Noon.
Due to hazardous weather conditions, there will be NO TRASH PICK UP on Wednesday, 1/30/19. If your trash day is on Wednesday you will need to wait until next Wednesday 2/06/19 to put your trash out. Thursday’s trash route will be operating on a delay and will not start until 11a on Thursday 1/31/19.
City of Muncie offices and all Muncie Sanitary District offices will be CLOSED on Wednesday, 1/30/19 and on the morning of Thursday 1/31/19. City offices and MSD offices will reopen at 11 am on Thursday 1/31/19.
The Muncie Sanitary District Board of Commissioners Board Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, 1/30/19 at 11:30a is canceled.