In recent years, more and more people have started to realize the importance of living green. However, it can be difficult to live an eco-friendly lifestyle as a college student. If you are passionate about the environment but are finding it difficult to make environmentally-friendly choices on Ball State’s campus, read on for some helpful tips.
It can be easy to recycle at Ball State. Recycling bins are located both in residence halls and in various buildings around campus. However, it is very important that the materials that end up in these recycling bins are able to be recycled by Muncie Sanitary District. If the bags have too much non-recyclable material in them, the whole load has to be taken to the landfill. If you have questions about what materials can or cannot be recycled, check out other posts in our Let’s Talk Trash blog. Some common non-recyclables found in blue bags on Ball State’s campus are disposable coffee cups, empty chip bags, Styrofoam containers, and items contaminated with food.
Cutting down on how much you drive your car can go a long way in reducing your environmental impact. You can walk, bike, or take a shuttle into Ball State’s campus in order to reduce CO2 emissions. Students can also use the MITS bus service for free transportation around Muncie.
When visiting the dining halls or the grocery stores around campus, bring a reusable tote bag to carry food. In the grocery store, look for food that’s grown locally instead of shipped long distances. Limiting your consumption of meat to a few times a week can also reduce your environmental footprint, because raising animals requires a much larger amount of resources than growing fruits or vegetables.
Although there are many easy things that you can do to live a more environmentally-friendly lifestyle as a college student, the thing that makes the biggest impact is committing to a sustainable lifestyle for years to come, and educating others on how they can reduce their environmental impact. Ball State offers a 21-hour sustainability minor, which prepares students to explain the meaning of sustainability and apply those concepts in decision-making. Consider picking up this minor or joining one of the student groups at Ball State that focuses on sustainability.